Monday, September 9, 2013

Nation secular but are we?

Right from our childhood we all have been taught that we are a secular nation. A country which treats all its citizens equally irrespective of his caste, creed, race, religion and color. And it’s all true too, our Govt. policies, laws are equal for everyone, in fact it would be no wrong if I say that our schemes are much better for our minority groups. This nation has never discriminated anyone but what we are giving this nation in return??? Our hatred? Killing its children in the name of community??  Don’t u think being a part of India, all its people , no matter from which religion they belong, are our brothers and sisters? Aren’t we a family??

This nation has been wounded many times by external terror groups , thousands of our people have died in those attacks but still this nation came out of it and offered its help to everyone in need because its people stood united, They were all together at that hard time. But what this nation should do when its own very people start killing each other? Supporting one result in agitating other. This country is in a dilemma and we the people are responsible for it.

A boy teased a girl, her brothers opposed to it and went to talk to the guy and in return a furious mob killed them just in the name of community? Are we all sick? How can one relate such incidents with religion and community? We all have sisters, mothers and daughter’s at home and anyone will oppose such activity if it happens with them.  I don’t understand from where the hell came community in it???

Youngsters are the future of this nation and its important for them to understand these things in a broader way. Everyone has the human right to freedom of religion and belief. But often religion and belief can be used as grounds for discrimination and as weapons of division and hate. Religion, as is often forgotten by those without religion, has its roots in compassion, reciprocity, charity and peace-building. But religion, like political ideology, can also have its dark side in the form of hate, exclusion and fanaticism. As a nation, as an individual, we need to make sure that this does not happen with us.

The world is changing. India is changing. The demographic, social, economic, cultural, political and ecological facts scream this at us, every day.

If we are to have a peaceful, respectful future, then all of us must learn to make a leap of faith and trust.

Religion has, and will, have a critical role in doing this. But it will be the religious voices of love and acceptance that will contribute to a right and Bright future.


May love and peace prevail in everyone’s life.


Kiran Bhardwaj